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Land of Respect
Clay, an efficient material with a low carbon footprint
  • A natural, ecological and sustainable material.
  • Manufactured using only natural raw materials, such as clay and sand extracted from quarries operated under strict conditions and managed virtuously.
  • A fireproof material, it insulates buildings and optimizes their energy efficiency.
  • Useful life: 100 years.
  • Positively contributes to the quality of indoor air thanks to its 100% mineral content.
  • It is free of any organic elements propitious for mold growth and does not release any volatile organic compounds.
Reducing our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
TERREAL holds itself to the highest standards in its efforts to tackle the major challenges of climate change and the protection of the environment. Our priority commitment to reducing the GHG emission rate by 10% compared to 2015 has galvanized the company on several levels.
Patrick Leblans, Energy Director

“Our policy to reduce CO2 emissions can be broken down into several strategic areas:

  • the installation of systems for measuring and analyzing our consumption at all our sites;
  • the performance of several audits with the participation of external specialists and the energy efficiency officers for each site;
  • the monitoring of a global action plan (400 actions identified, valued and prioritized to date) covering: the optimization of equipment and its use, the modernization and integration of energy recovery techniques and the promotion of renewable energies.

This is an ambitious plan, but many positive effects are already being seen. The reduction in CO2 emissions will be noticeable over the coming years.

Preserving resources and biodiversity
Aware of its role in the conservation of resources and biodiversity, the Group is undertaking costsaving measures in order to limit its extractions of clay and sand. We are committed to designing quarrying projects with the least impact possible, revitalizing natural environments and enriching biodiversity before, during and after operations.
A life cycle plan for our quarries

Each plan precisely describes the quarry’s physical and geological data, from its opening to its redevelopment. This document also formalizes the indicators for the open area, recoverable material and redevelopment to ensure the virtuous management of each quarry.

Our 2 commitments during quarrying operations :

#1. To disturb the ground surface as little as possible to allow flora and fauna to thrive

#2. To get the most amount of material out of the quantities we extract

Our actions to promote biodiversity
The challenge to reduce our impact on ecosystems has been an issue at the center of what we do for a number of years, and involves initiatives carried out in partnership with elected representatives and local authorities. In addition to mandatory environmental impact studies, we carry out complementary initiatives at our quarries with the aim of furthering our knowledge of biodiversity and, where necessary, implementing mitigation actions.
Converting our waste and waste water into resources
At TERREAL, commitments and priorities are defined for the Group, but environmental management

is still managed locally. Each site puts in place targeted actions to limit damage and reduce its environmental footprint. Previously considered waste, scrap and wastewater are now reused as new resources in the Group’s manufacturing processes.

Improving runoff water treatment

To ensure the water we release into the natural environment is clean, we are committed to storing and treating rainwater and process water, as well as implementing systems to prevent accidental pollution. With this in mind, each of the Group’s plants records the circulation patterns of incoming and outgoing water. In addition, in order to preserve this precious resource, the sites are working to withdraw the minimum amount of water and optimize its use by reusing water used in manufacturing.

Limiting losses and reusing waste generated by manufacturing

From green and dry scrap to fired scrap and engobe scrap, TERREAL implements targeted actions to limit these and optimize their reuse. Fired scrap can be reused in the manufacturing process, used as backfill in our quarries or, offered to the municipality for the maintenance of the agricultural pathways near the marshes.